The Philosophers  

英文片名:The Philosophers
導演:John Huddles
編劇:John Huddles
主要演員:James D'Arcy(Mr. Zimit)、Freddie Stroma(Jack)、Petra(Sophie Lowe)、Rhys Wakefield(James)、Daryl Sabara(Chips)、Bonnie Wright(Georgina)、George Blagden(Andy)


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Elementary S01E05  


The episode begins with Holmes trying to choke a man. Well, it is a dead body and he is practicing his choke hold. Also this is a part of his experiments that are crucial for his investigation purposes. These people have donated their bodies to science and since the attendant owes Holmes a favor, he was let inside the morgue. Watson however isn’t too comfortable. They are on their way out and Holmes thanks Bruce for his help. Just then a new body is brought in. This man died an hour ago, and he died of a heart attack. Watson takes a look at the body and states that the old man had brain cancer as there is a mark suggesting that he was under radiotherapy.

Watson thinks that the heart attack was triggered due to his ailment but Holmes isn’t in agreement with that. He then heads to the room where the old man was kept. He tells Watson that the dead man was given epinephrine and that was the COD. But Watson says that it is a common drug given during all cardiac codes. He reaches the room and asks the janitor to leave. He then shows a mark on the dead man’s finger and Watson identifies it to be eskemia caused due to epinephrine. But if e had been given epinephrine during the code, that is after the heart had stopped, it wouldn’t have caused eskemia. So, they are investigating a murder. The hospital guards knock at the door. But Holmes doesn’t let them in as it would ruin the crime scene.

He wonders how the killer escaped after giving epinephrine to the old man and before the onset of a heart attack, as the nurse said there was no one in the room. Watson deduces that the killer must have injected it into the IV, which could give him ten minutes. And also the pump is turned down. He then checks the waste bin. Next, Watson sees an old doctor friend, Carrie Dwyer and introduces her to Holmes. Gregson is talking to the administrator, Richard Sanchez. Gregson asks Holmes to apologize to Sanchez after which, they will be given full access to the crime scene. Holmes is furious that he had to apologize to Sanchez. He says that they need to find the woman who brought coffee for the victim as he saw two coffee cups and one of them had lipstick marks. He then shows Watson a receipt from the coffee shop and points out the name and number of a guy named Dave.

He knows that Dave was flirting with the woman as he gave her more than she ordered. Dave remembers that the customer was a sexy blonde doctor. But Homes figures out that the woman wasn’t a doctor as a doctor would never wear heavy perfume or tight fitting clothes. Watson thinks she knows where they could find Dave’s sexy doctor. She takes Holmes to a high end cosmetic store. They find a blonde there who matches Dave’s description. She is surprised to hear Trent Kelty is dead. They were neighbors and she felt sorry for him when he completely lost his sight. That is when she started visiting Trent more often. But according to the timeline Holmes thinks that she cannot be the killer as she left an hour before the murder took place. She says that Trent had no friends or family.

The only person he spoke was the doctor who visited him every night and he was helping him cope with the pain. Holmes remembers a cut up pancake on the table and Jacqueline says that she didn’t cut it up for him. Holmes knows that the person who cut the pancake is the killer. Holmes then proposes his theory in which he thinks that killer had cut the pancake into child like pieces which means he likes the dependence that his victims show towards him. Also, he chooses weak and sick people who are doomed to death. The hospital provides an endless supply of the same. They then meet the Head of Surgery and they know he hates Sanchez. They want him to grant access to all medical records of the earlier deaths in the hospital. Dr. Baldwin agrees. Holmes lists down 73 deaths due to cardiac events.

Watson knows that the drug used to kill is hard to get hold of and so she checks different logs and finds out that epinephrine went missing on 9 occasions which corresponds to the dates of 9 deaths. So the killer has killed 9 people. They have their pattern; so now they can start listing their suspects and there are 23 of them. Holmes then decides to check the charts and find out who was on duty on those nine days and who didn’t have access to the floor. He suggests that they could be looking at nurses as Trent was blind, so he would never know the difference. In the elevator, Holmes apologizes to the janitor for his earlier behavior. Holmes goes to his first suspect, Dr. Baldwin.

But he says that he is too indifferent to his patient’s pain to be the Angel of Death and since the angel’s act is that of mercy, he couldn’t be the killer. Holmes agrees with him and he has an alibi as he was on a train during Trent’s death. Watson is with Carrie and she tells her about the situation. Carrie finds it weird. She then takes Watson along to meet one of her patents, Morgan who tore her ACL during a soccer match. Watson notices a mark on Morgan’s left toe. Holmes and Bell interview another doctor, Cahill and Holmes thinks that he isn’t their angel. Bell thinks otherwise but moves on to their next suspect. Watson tells Carrie that Morgan might be suffering from endocartitis but Carrie dismisses that option. Carrie then agrees to do an echocardiogram.


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獵人 ep011   







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自從去年年末《來自星星的你》(以下簡稱《星你》)開播後,他扮演的“都教授”橫掃中國大江南北。該劇在愛奇藝網站創下 20 億點播量,他的新浪微博粉絲數飆升至 583 萬,上海見面會的第一排座位被炒到 2.5 萬元人民幣一張,連帶其經紀公司 Keyeast 的股價從 1440 韓元升至 3130 韓元(截至 4 月 1 日)……

事實上,金秀賢並不是第一次感受到人氣飆升。2012 年,他主演的劇集《擁抱太陽的月亮》(以下簡稱《擁月》)在韓國創下 42.2% 的收視紀錄,在之後的一個月中,他一口氣接拍了 15 個廣告,打破了李敏鎬在《花樣男子》及玄彬在《秘密花園》後接拍廣告數的紀錄。

相對而言,《星你》在韓國的收視率只能算正常,最高收視率 28.1%。走在韓國的大街小巷,見到的也只是金秀賢在《星你》之前拍攝的廣告,倒是劇中女主角扮演者全智賢代言商品的碩大海報在公交站和商場隨處可見。再把時針撥回到一年前,金秀賢的電影處女作《奪寶聯盟》在韓國登上票房冠軍,但在中國上映首周票房僅收獲 1851 萬元人民幣,屈居票房榜第五位。與影片的命運相似,這個在片中顯得有些魯莽的大男孩,也沒有獲得多少中國觀眾的關注。





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魔女的使命 ep05





另一方面,風音原來是拷問專家啊(大心)克蘿諾娃的慘叫聲好可愛啊~~~~ゞ(≧ε≦● )


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Elementary S01E04  


The episode begins with a worried Watson walking into Gregson’s office, asking for help. Holmes hasn’t been in touch for more than three hours and she is worried that he has relapsed. She wants Gregson to help her find him. Next, we see Holmes in a car; cuffed and his legs are zip-tied as well. Cut to two days earlier; Watson is at coffee with one of her girl pal and she sets Watson up with Aaron; an ambush as Watson calls it. She is off the dating scene for a while and so she is feeling a little awkward. Holmes texts her and asks her to meet him immediately. At home, he realizes that she met a handsome man as she tied up her hair; she does that when she wants to look her best.

Holmes tells her that they have been summoned to a financial firm, Canon Ebersole. He is in his last night’s clothes and Watson asks him to dress more formally. He says that he loathes bankers. Jim Fowkes, the Chief Investment Officer, introduces Dan Cho as the Chief Financial Officer. Holmes cuts into the introduction as wants Jim to get to the point. The COO, Peter Tobert, has gone missing and there is important business that Peter needs to take care of. The NYPD cannot get involved until 48 hours and they can’t wait that long. Holmes negotiates 12 times his current rates. Well, he has no current rate and tells Watson to come up with one. He also gives a demonstration to prove his worth. Jim agrees to his rate and his secretary takes Holmes to Peter’s office.

Holmes notices a lot of books around and pulls out a book that Peter consults the most and inside that book is a diary with pictures of prostitutes; he likes the expensive ones. So, there has to be a way he manages his expenses. Holmes checks peter’s computer and finds that he has two accountants and Rydell Martin handles his private account. He then calls the secretary, Donna and asks her to make reservations at an expensive hotel. They meet with Rydell and he admits to maintaining Peter’s expenses for his “pleasures’. He also tells Holmes that Peter has a rented apartment near Tribeca .He gives Holmes the address. On their way to the apartment, Holmes tells her that he knows about Aaron and that Aaron sent a text asking of she would like to go to dinner tonight. He checked her phone when she was in the shower.

He replied a “yes”. They reach the apartment and find Peter dead; an overdose of heroin. The detectives are going to classify this as an accidental OD. But Holmes says that this is murder. He points out at the apartment and says that it is too pristine for a habitual heroin user; well Holmes was one. Also he knows that in order to insensate Peter, the first dose of heroin came from the salad on the kitchen platform. They then decide to tell Peter’s wife about ‘all this”. he learns from Mrs. Tobert that she was at an auction when Peter was killed and also that the previous COO also died due to his peanut allergy; this was a year ago. At home, Holmes tells Watson that he spoke to the chef who prepared the former COO’s food and he said that the peanut oil was put in the food after it left the kitchen.

Holmes feels that if there is heroin in the salad, then the MO is consistent; murder in a way the world would consider an accident. Holmes then asks her to go on her date with Aaron and assures her that he will be fine. The date goes well and Aaron asks her out on another date. She doesn’t answer and leaves. at home, she tells Holmes that she thinks that Aaron lied about not being married. Holmes finds out that Aaron is married and Watson is pissed. However, the good news is that the lab results are back and they did find trace heroin in the salad. He also put up pictures of people from the firm who died over the last ten years. He then tells her that they will go to Canon Ebersole and call upon a board meeting to see if there is a murderer at work.

Next day, Holmes addresses the boar and tells them about five other employees who died in mysterious circumstances, right from 2003. So, someone has been killing to climb up the ladder. Jim is furious as the only one who has shown that kind of growth is him. Holmes wants access to the files and Jim says that this isn’t possible. Later, Jim arrives at Holmes’ apartment with files that can prove that he and Dan Cho couldn’t be suspects and has proof of the timeline. Holmes cannot make sense out of this. He agrees that Dan did not gain anything from these murders but Jim did. Aaron asks Watson to meet him so that he can explain. Watson agrees to meet him on Holmes’ insistence. Holmes then comes across the name Donna as an emergency contact for Jim. At the restaurant, Aaron explains himself by telling Watson that he married to give the girl asylum in the US.

He would have told her about this eventually; if there was “eventually”. Meanwhile, Holmes goes to meet Donna and points out to her that she had a lot to gain from her boss, Jim’s rise. He says that she has been to all the places Jim has been to. He wants to know whether she committed the murders herself or did Jim assist her. Donna tazes Holmes. Cut to the present where Holmes is cuffed and is in the backseat of Donna’s car. Donna is driving him to Jim’s estate and she is going to kill him there. After two weeks she plans to give the cops an anonymous tip so that the dead body could be found and everything falls on Jim. With Jim gone, Dan Cho would get the promotion. Watson is continuously messaging Holmes and his phone is with Donna.


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導演:Christian Alvart
編劇:Travis Milloy
主要演員:Dennis Quaid(Payton)、Ben Foster(Bower)、Cam Gigandet(Gallo)、Antje Traue(Nadia)、Cung Le(Manh)、Eddie Rouse(Leland)、Norman Reedus(Shepard)


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鬼灯不敢吃辣,他本人就是隻鬼天椒啊!真是意外的弱點!被白澤說中時眼神飄移真的好可愛!థ౪థ 好想餵他吃水煮牛肉、地獄拉麵、麻辣火鍋……(下刪一千)


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阿香good job!鄰家女孩梗好笑笑,連poker face的鬼灯都噴了XDD


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